Kashello, the personalized eyebrow stamp I invented. In 2019, the idea get into the round of finalists of international Challenge called „Purmundus“. In 2020, the product won second place in the “Erste süddeutsche 3D-Druck Challenge" ( first South German 3D-Print Challenge.”
The personalized eyebrow stamp with regard to individual bone and the eyebrow shape of the customer.

These are photos of the 3D printed eyebrow stamp.

Filing the product ideas at the international Purmundus-Challenge. The challenge was to present the idea on a DIN A4 page. To explain the whole system and to draw attention to my product between the countless submissions, I decided to create a comic.

The idea made it to the finalist round and was issued at Frankfurter Messe AMM.

At the beginning of 2020, I was in the first Süddeutschen (South German) 3D-Print-challengen. Here too, the idea was to create a poster which describes youre idea. In the second round, business plans should be made and at the end the product should be pitched in front of a jury.

And yeah, I got second place! :)